Reinstate standby database after activation using flashback.
Physical standby database PRI_DB has been activated using steps listed in the "Disaster recovery procedure."
If a decision is made to convert the database back to physical standby the following steps apply.
Stop the database and mount one instance.
srvctl stop database -d PRI_DB
SQL> startup mount;
If a guaranteed restore point has been created prior to standby activation.
SQL>FLASHBACK DATABASE TO restore point grp_before_activate;
If no guaranteed restore point has been created but SCN prior to activation had been recorded
SQL>FLASHBACK DATABASE TO scn <<scn prior to activate>>;
If none of the above applies, time of activation has to be determined from the alert log.
SQL> FLASHBACK DATABASE TO time <<timestamp before standby activation>>;
After a successful flashback, convert to physical standby.
SQL>shutdown immediate
Change cluster configuration and start the database.
srvctl modify database -d PRI_DB -r physical_standby -s "read only"
srvctl start database -d PRI_DB
srvctl start service -d dbname
Start MRP.
SQL>alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect;
On the primary enable the corresponding destination.
SQL>alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2='enable' scope=both sid='*';
Check the alert logs on both primary and standby to verify media recovery.
PRI_DB: Check log_archive_dest_state_2 and 3 for DEFER or ENABLE. Keep this parameter ENABLE for RMAN script.
show parameter log_archive_dest_state_2 (if DEFER then make it enable)
show parameter log_archive_dest_state_3 (if DEFER then make it enable)
alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2='enable' scope=both sid='*';
alter system set log_archive_dest_state_3='enable' scope=both sid='*';
PRI_DB - How to drop RESTORE POINT ?
srvctl stop database -d dbname_PRI_DB
Startup mount;
Drop restore point GRP_BEFORE_ACTIVATE;
shutdown immediate
srvctl start database -d dbname_PRI_DB
srvctl start service -d dbname_PRI_DB
alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect;