How to make large index creation faster ?
1) PARALLE option:
Use number of cpu - 1 for parallel option. If server has 8 CPU then give parallel 7 and check the database perforamce : create index index_name on table_name(column_name) parallel 7;
2) NOLOGGING option: It will avoid to generate a large redo log
create index index_name on table_name(column_name) parallel 7 nologging;
3) Larger block size: Create a index in a tablespace that uses Larger block size.
create tablespace index_tbs datafile '+jdata' size 1000M BLOCKSIZE 32K;
create index index_name on table_name(column_name) parallel 7 nologging tablespace index_tbs ;
How to alter an index ?
Note: To alter an index, your schema must contain the index or you must have the ALTER ANY INDEX system privilege.
Example: CREATE INDEX IndexName on TableName(ColumnName);
1) Rebuild/ Rebuild Online/Moving to new tablespace:
alter index index_name REBUILD [ONLINE];
alter index index_name REBUILD TABLESPACE new_tablespace_name;
2) Coalesce :
alter index index_name COALESCE;
3) Alter storage parameters or physical attributes
alter index SchemaName.IndexName STORAGE (PCTINCREASE 40);
alter index SchemaName.IndexName ENABLE PRIMARY KEY USING INDEX;
5) Make the index invisible:
alter index SchemaName.IndexName INVISIBLE;
alter index SchemaName.IndexName VISIBLE;
6) Rename the index:
alter index index_name RENAME TO new_index_name;
7) Monitoring of index usage:
alter index IndexName MONITORING USAGE;
select * from v$OBJECT_USAGE where index_name='IndexName';
alter index IndexName NOMONITORING USAGE;
Note: Parallel and nologging option already explained.
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